Advanced Technology
Cone Beam CT
Our practice utilizes Limited Field Cone Beam Computer (CBCT).
Endodontics is an image guided field, for many years limited to 2-D technologies (regular dental x-rays) that in some cases did not render a clear image due to complex and overlapping structures. The CBCT provides highly accurate, 3-D radiographic images for the diagnosis, planning and treatment with minimal radiation to the patient, enabling a level of anatomical accuracy and patient care not possible with 2-D technologies (regular dental x-rays).
We only use CBCT to provide diagnostic information that can not be obtained by lower dose imaging technology.
With the addition of cone-beam CT technology to our office, our practice is committed to providing innovative, high-quality, patient care.
Digital Imaging
At Endodontic Associates of Marlboro all radiographs are taken with digital sensors, providing instant viewing on our computer monitors while significantly reducing radiation levels compared to film-based radiographs.
Digital x-rays allow us to store patient images, and enables us to quickly and safely transfer them to specialists or insurance companies.
Operating Microscopes
Our practices uses Zeiss Operating Microscopes. Operating microscopes provide unparalleled magnification and illumination for surgical procedures, detection of fractures and all aspects of endodontic treatment..